On Saturday the 30th of September, Raishma and her husband attended the Hemraj Goyal charity ball held at intercontinental hotel on park lane. Raishma dressed co-founder Anita Goyal in a intricately embellished top with vivid floral accents at the hem and bell sleeves. The bodice was paired with a brocade silk full skirt and elegant stole to finish off the look. Other guests attended wearing pieces from the Raishma couture range ... Fellow guest, Mala Agarwal attended wearing a Raishma pale pink halter dress with silver beading patterned along the top and plain draped fabric further down the dress. As well as dressing guests, Raishma wore a classic black and gold peplum with detailing at the waist, giving a sophisticated and flattering look. The story of HGF The foundation was created in memory of Hemraj Goyal, a visionary for well-being and quality of life. Avnish and Anita collectively distribute funds towards causes they feel passionate about, with the desire for a sustainable future for the children of today. They believe that taking advantage of their position in society, they have the means to help those who are less fortunate. Lily against human trafficking Within India an estimation of a hefty 2.5 million children are involved in sex slavery. Whether forced into prostitution, sold, uneducated or under age, these children are severely vulnerable towards misuse. The figures are shocking, with 92% of children compelled into prostitution and 90% uneducated to fend for themselves. “Almost every minute of the day, a child or woman is being tricked, kidnapped or sold into a brothel in India.” ‘Lily against human trafficking’ raises awareness for young individuals and began with one in particular. At the age of four, a young girl was sold for £50 by her own mother. Later discovered in a Delhi brothel, hidden in a water tank, was a lily. Vulnerable, afraid and unable to defend herself. Condemned to poverty, lack of constitutional rights to justice and equality from birth, isn’t punishable to anyone, especially innocent children. Therefore, the charity provides prevention, rescue and rehabilitation to survivors who are affected, to support them towards a healthy life. Over the last few years, the charity has worked with “22 organisations within India, Nepal and the UK”, to which 46,473 “children and youths have directly benefitted by LILY.” The ball encouraged guests to share stories and learn more about the LILY charity and human trafficking. With the company of supportive guests, drinks, food and live entertainment, the evening was a lovely humble occasion. Furthermore, guests were encouraged to part-take in the luxury raffle, where lavish prizes could be won. In all, the ball was a respectful and insightful evening, raising over £100,000 for the LILY campaign.
Raishma and Angela
Raishma and Anita Goyal
Raishma and Mala Agarwal
Abby Ghafoor, Raishma and Poonam Bassi
Raishma with husband